irritating lens face sweepstakes
Role: I played a key role in developing and executing the Opti-Free Irritating Lens Face (ILF) BFF Sweepstakes campaign within the marketing team.
Tools/Technologies Used: Leveraging insights from our print and TV campaigns, we created promotional materials for the sweepstakes, including social media posts and shareable GIFs. Our existing Facebook presence disseminated these materials to maximize organic reach and engagement.
Outcomes/Metrics: The sweepstakes aimed to combat irritating lens face by offering participants the chance to win an ILF prevention kit or the Grand Prize of a trip to a luxury spa in sunny LA. Key metrics such as sweepstakes entries, social media engagement, and reach were used to gauge the campaign's success. By leveraging our Facebook presence and creating shareable content, we aimed to increase brand awareness and engagement while providing valuable prizes to participants.
Facebook tab for entry and also available on mobile at a vanity url
Prize box & contents sent to the winners
Brochure sent to the winners