opti-free website


Role: As the Senior Art Director at Opti-Free, I led the development of a comprehensive website that served as a central hub for information about our portfolio of products and addressed common questions and concerns related to wearing contact lenses.

Tools/Technologies Used: In this capacity, I utilized my expertise in web design and content creation to create an intuitive and user-friendly website. Leveraging web development tools such as HTML, CSS, and JavaScript, I oversaw the creation of the site structure and functionality. Additionally, I collaborated closely with content creators to curate articles covering a wide range of topics related to contact lens wear, ensuring that the website provided valuable resources for users.

Outcomes/Metrics: The website, under my direction, became a valuable resource for both existing and potential customers, offering essential information about Opti-Free products and addressing their queries about contact lens wear. Key metrics such as website traffic, user engagement, and feedback were used to assess the site's effectiveness in meeting user needs and driving brand engagement. Ultimately, the website significantly enhanced brand trust and loyalty among consumers.

Home page

Home page

All About Lenses Landing Page

All About Lenses Landing Page

Can You Sleep in Lenses Article

Can You Sleep in Lenses Article